
The Next Wearables - Smart Insole Solution for Foot Health

Post by Allen Huang, Updated on August 31st, 2023

person wearing smart footwear

In today's world, smart solutions regarding healthcare and wellness are increasing year by year. As smartphones become essential electronic devices, wearables like smartwatches have been an extension of constant connectivity, allowing individuals to stay linked. The core objective is to provide physiological data for users to monitor and optimize their health and well-being. While smart solutions have indeed enhanced health monitoring from the wrist, understanding foot pressure is equally vital. After all, being on our feet is fundamental to our lives.


The Role of Smart Insoles in Healthcare

On average, it is estimated that a person takes approximately 7,000 steps per day and gait posturing can greatly impact the plantar pressure distribution. From both static moment to dynamic motion, our feet are subjected to varying degrees of pressure as they support our body weight and facilitate movement. Over time, the way we distribute pressure across our feet can become a habit that may affect our foot health.

analysis plantar pattern

The goal of smart solutions in healthcare is early diagnosis and the prevention of illnesses. Achieving this begins with an awareness of harmful gait posturing, which is a crucial step in cultivating healthier long-term habits. With a smart insole solution, users can monitor plantar pressure distribution through mobile electronic devices in real-time. This provides users with the opportunity to make immediate posture corrections. Furthermore, habits develop gradually, as does the refinement of our postures. Smart insoles continuously collect data, enabling the analysis of factors causing posture shifts, such as weight gain or unsuitable footwear. They can pinpoint factors that may require adjustment.


Discrete Array Sensors: The Technology Behind Smart Insoles

smart insole under foot

Integrating discrete array sensors into smart insoles establishes the fundamental sensing of the solution. The sensor is constructed by screen-printing conductive materials onto stacked flexible polymer films. Therefore, the sensing points and wiring layout are both protected between the films which greatly enhances durability. In general, its sensing points are strategically positioned to cover various areas of the foot. Still, considering it as a multi-point systematic FSR, the sensing configuration can easily be customized according to specialized needs, such as athletics applications, rehabilitation treatment, and more. With the simplicity of the sensor itself, it can be easily integrated without complex electrical configuration. Meaning, low power consumption and seamless integration. These sensors output resistive signals individually and demonstrate the pressure distribution and gait patterns of the users.


Optimizing Fitness with Smart Insoles

With the acquired information from the smart insoles, we have the capability to extend further than just walk improvements. It is also optimized for fitness postures like yoga, workouts, and exercise. As we know, incorrect postures reduce the effectiveness of the training, and even worse, they may lead to injuries. Live monitoring provides immediate adjustments and maximizes gain from the session.


Enhance Safety with Smart Insoles

Furthermore, various dynamic motions result in distinct plantar pressure patterns. These patterns can not only monitor gait posturing but also serve as indicators for potential falls or slips. This feature is particularly valuable for elders and patients who require emergency care and additional attention.



Smart solutions are trending day by day. It all comes down to a sole purpose: making life easier and better. As the subjects we are, our well-being takes priority at the microscopic level to further accommodate our concerns. When considering smart insole solutions, it's the next step toward wearable technologies. Continuous data collection significantly enhances the potential for early diagnosis. Live monitoring assists the user in making immediate adjustments and preventing illnesses. Smart insole solutions with discrete array sensors have advantages from various aspects. They're durable, easy to integrate, and totally customizable, suited across industries and applications. For both static moments and dynamic motions, reflecting distinct plantar pressure patterns. With this additional information, it can optimize fitness postures safely and effectively. It's also a powerful tool in medical-related fields, such as long-term care, rehabilitation, and hospitals. After all, our daily activities essentially involve lying, standing, or moving. As two-thirds of people's everyday routines, plantar pressure distribution and gait posturing matter significantly to our healthcare.